Monday, June 24, 2019

War with Iran? A Rachel Maddow type Explanation?

Since the 7th Century AD, Saudis and Iranians have hated each other over religious differences.

After World War Two, the US becomes an ally of Saudi Arabia, sometimes ally of Iran as well, until  hostage situation under President Jimmy Carter.

Under President Ronald Reagan, the US supplied arms to BOTH Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Both Saudi Arabia and Iran want to be top dog in the Middle East.

Donald Trump goes into huge debt to Saudi Arabia going back years.

The US with many other countries signs a treaty with Iran to halt their advance toward nuclear weapons.

Republicans oppose the deal because President Obama negotiated it, and Saudis are against it.

Obama unfreezes Iranian assets because deal is working.

Republicans scream about Obama giving our tax dollars to Iran, but it wasn't ours in the first place..

Donald Trump is elected president, and pulls the US out of the deal.

Trump's debt to Saudis increases.

Every other country, including Russia and China, says the deal was still working, and Iran was complying.

With the US out of the deal, Iran no longer feels it has to comply.with deal.

The Saudis want war with Iran, but can't pull it off on their own.

The Saudis put pressure on Trump for war; Bolton and Pompeo begin cheering in Washington and Netanyahu jumps for joy in Jerusalem..

This is where we are.

This is where we MAY be going...

Trump increases sanctions on Iran; rest of the world (except Saudis) say WTH?

The US and the Saudis start war with Iran over US provocations that had Iran responding.

Russia and China side with Iran.

Europe stays out of it because US has pissed them off so badly.

US, Russia and China have nuclear weapons.

"Christians" jump with joy because Armageddon will bring on the Second Coming and the Rapture, sure that THEY are going to Heaven..

Somehow, Trump will make money from whole scenario.

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