Friday, July 19, 2019

But we must help our own first...

"Why don't we help our OWN homeless and disabled before these illegals?"

"We should help our VETERANS before we help immigrants."

These and similar posts on social media really set me off, for several reasons.

First, if we hadn't given $1.5 TRILLION in tax cuts to those who least need it money to help all would be no problem.

Second, those who want to help the poor or the homeless or the veterans seldom actually DO anything to help those groups.  They are trotted out on a regular basis to make people who want to help immigrants and "undocumented" people feel guilty.

There is no reason we can't provide all the needs for all veterans.

There is no reason we can't provide all the needs for the poor and disabled.

There is no reason we can't provide assistance to asylum seekers to get on their feet and get a new start.

There is no reason we can't provide decent conditions for "illegals" who are arrested at the border.

There is no reason to separate infants and children from their parents.

We as a nation apparently have decided that only certain groups are worthy of help.  But then, we don't help even THOSE groups.

When we are paying between $500 and $750 PER DAY PER CHILD to take infants away from their parents, who have done nothing wrong or illegal except to request asylum, we have lost our way as a country.

And any people who claim to be religious and do nothing to change this have lost all rights to call themselves that.