Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Don't bother voting, OK?

So you don't want to bother voting because...

"My vote doesn't count."  Well of course it doesn't, if you don't vote.  Problem is that if almost everyone believed that and didn't bother voting, the few of us who WILL vote will control YOUR lives.

"I don't like either party," "Both parties are the same."  If you believe that, you haven't looked at either party.  There have never in US history been more differences between the two major parties than there are now.  Yes, in some ways, like corporate funding, they are similar, but that's about where it ends.

"I don't like choosing the lesser of two evils."  Well, I don't like choosing between cancer and a broken bone either, but I definitely have a preference.  One IS better than the other, even if neither choice is particularly palatable.

"Candidate X doesn't represent all of my views."  No, no candidate is perfect.  No spouse is perfect.  Nothing in life is perfect.  Does that mean we just give up because we can't have perfection?  Not me.  I'll choose the candidate who BEST reflects MY views.

"I support one issue, and this candidate doesn't."  If you are a one-issue voter, fine.  But most people look at the whole candidate or the whole party, and then choose.  Voting on one issue ignores all the other issues on which you might strongly disagree.

"It's too difficult to vote."  Funny, you can probably get out to see a movie; or go to dinner; or go to work or school.  You go shopping, don't you?  You can probably vote -- if you REALLY want to.  Many others are denied the right which you may be squandering.

All in all, I've heard all these arguments recently, and I don't agree with any of them.  Too often, they are the thoughts and opinions of people who are too lazy to find out the issues or research the candidates.  Too often, they are a reflection of the cynicism we see everywhere in our daily lives.  Too often, they are simply rationalizations.

So, go ahead and stay home.  Let me, and people who think like me, decide on our elected officials.  I'm sure we will do a good job for you -- but don't complain when we do.