Monday, February 4, 2019

This is what I think about ... OH! A Squirrel!

Really, some days it doesn't pay to try to have any coherent thought pattern.  I get so sidetracked at times, I wonder if I'll EVER find my way back.

Right now I'm a Westbrook, Maine, Facebook page, and someone posted a picture and a name that sounded familiar.  Sure enough, I asked the poster if he knew the person whose name was familiar to me.  YES, it was his uncle.  And his uncle was best man at my folks' wedding!  So now I have connected with a nephew and niece of the man in my folk's wedding photos.  And also, several people commented that they remember THEIR parents talking about my Dad -- they remembered because of his nickname growing up.

On another tab, I'm trying to connect with my Armenian relatives, and think I may have made a connection with cousins in New Hampshire who KNOW where their ancestors came from in Armenia -- the same town where my birth grandmother was born.

And in yet another tab, I'm doing family research in about 200 obituaries from the Oakland area that I have collected over the past 10 years or so, which I said I'd process some day.  Well, it's some day now.

Finally, I have FreeCell open, ready to play at any time.

So this is my squirreling day.

All the while, I've been thinking about a load of different, totally unrelated topics:

Who on earth can afford $47 dollars per person for a dinner that contains food that one can't pronounce?

Who the heck tried, poorly, to sing "America the Beautiful" at the Super Bowl?  I couldn't tell what they were singing, they were so bad.  Gladys Knight, however, rocked the National Anthem.

So now apparently, smoke, fire, lasers, and spotlights can cover up for lack of talent.  The halftime show?  I'd rather watch "The Gong Show."

The 17-year old who vandalized the Hindu temple in Louisville in the name of Jesus has not only given a bad name to true Christians (who would NEVER do that, and indeed showed up to restore the temple) but to Kentucky as a whole.

Will we EVER see the sun for more than 5 minutes?  Well, at least it's not super-cold for a few days.

Why does the cat give me the "evil eye" in bed when I move and HE doesn't like it?  It doesn't work the other way around, apparently.

That a person may or may not have dressed in "blackface" in 1985 isn't enough of a reason for him to resign as governor.  That he KNEW about the yearbook photo and it just now came out, and that he first admitted he was in the photo, then denies it, IS reason to go.  However, ANY Republican opinions on the subject are irrelevant until they insist that Trump resign for doing FAR more than dressing in blackface 34 years ago.

Hawaii wants to raise the age for smoking by ten years or so every year until by 2024 the only people who can buy tobacco must be over 100.  Now a Maine TV station is asking if Maine should consider a law like that. 

Here's my take:  Everyone who supports this needs to consider that prohibition worked just fine in the 1920's. No one had access to demon rum or other alcohol, it wasn't smuggled into the country from Canada or the Bahamas. No one made "bathtub gin". No organized crime arose supplying booze because no one wanted it any more because it was illegal, right?

Replace alcohol references with marijuana. Same story. We don't have anyone in this country smoking pot any more because it's illegal, right? Oh forgot, several states are violating federal law by allowing it. But prohibiting it has basically ended pot smoking because if it's illegal, people simply won't use it.  Right.

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